Rokosil 3v1

Self-priming, special solvent-based coating acrylic resins with zinc phosphate additive.

  • multifunctional
  • self-priming
  • for all types of surfaces
  • 0,6 l
  • 3 l
Rokosil 3v1

Thanks to the self-priming, special coating based on solvent acrylate resins with zinc phosphate additive, the coating is perfectly adhesive, does not flow, dries quickly and is very easy to apply.


    White 1000
    Grey pastel 1010
    Grey medium 1100
    Black 1999
    Braun light 2320
    Braun medium 2430
    Braun dark 2880
    Blue medium 4550
    Green medium 5300
    Green dark 5400
    Ivory 6003
    Yellow light 6200
    Red light 8140
    Red dark 8190
    Reddish brown 8440
    Silver 9110
    White matt 1000
    Black matt 1999

It is free of heavy metals and suitable for all types of metal surfaces, including light metals and galvanized sheet metal. It can also be used for coating absorbent substrates such as wood, chipboard or concrete.

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